1. The 12 most common behavioral questions
If you’re a PM and interviewing broadly, these are the behavioral questions you’re most likely to hear – in priority order from most to least common:
- Tell me about yourself.
- What is your current pay?
- What are your compensation expectations?
- Why do you want to work here?
- Why this job?
- Why are you leaving your current job?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- What is your biggest failure?
- Fast forward three years. What will you be then?
- What’s something everyone takes for granted that you think is hogwash?
- What work accomplishment are you most proud of?
- Describe a scenario which required you to say no to an idea or project.
I’m going to cover each one of these in depth. But before we get there, let’s also get an idea of the universe of questions you might be asked.
2. The other 12 most common behavioral questions in the 6 categories you’re most likely to see
There’s also a long-tail of other questions that people might ask. I break these into 5 major categories.
True Behavioral
- Describe a recent workplace conflict and how you resolved it.
- What’s your ultimate career aspiration?
- How do you approach giving constructive feedback? Can you share an example?
- Describe a significant challenge you faced and overcame.
- What’s your strategy for engaging with customers or users?
- Can you give an example of using data to drive a key decision?
- How do you handle the pressure of tight deadlines?
- Share an experience of adapting quickly in response to changing work priorities.
- How do you manage work-life balance while meeting high performance standards?
- Describe a time when you had to lead a team through a difficult situation.
- How do you handle receiving critical feedback?
- Share an experience where you had to make a tough decision without complete data.
- Pick a product you love. What makes it stand out? How could it improve?
- As a Product Manager, how do you balance user needs and business goals?
- Describe a change you’d make to our product and why.
- Share an instance where data swayed a critical stakeholder.
- How do you prioritize features under tight timelines?
- What’s the most rewarding aspect of Product Management for you?
- Describe your decision-making process for feature development.
- How do you ensure a user-friendly interface in your products?
- Propose a feature enhancement for a commonly used app and its potential impact.
- In your view, what makes a product truly successful?
- Share an example of resolving a significant product challenge or receiving harsh feedback.
- How do you balance innovation with practicality, like bugs?
Company / Product-Specific
- If given a chance, how would you redesign our flagship product?
- Describe your strategy for managing products aimed at both B2B and B2C markets.
- What’s a key improvement you’d implement for our product soon?
- Forecast a major challenge our company might face soon.
- How do you balance product innovation with market demands?
- In your opinion, what sets our product apart from competitors?
- Describe a typical day for a Product Manager in our industry.
- How do you measure the success of a newly implemented feature?
- What strategies do you use to keep your team motivated and focused?
- Describe a product failure you experienced and what you learned from it.
- How do you approach setting and managing customer expectations?
- Share an example of how you’ve adapted to significant industry changes.
Technical Questions
- What’s your take on the latest engineering methodologies in our field?
- How do you integrate technical teams into the product vision effectively?
- Can you share an experience where a technical concept became a commercial success?
- How do you bridge the gap between market-oriented teams and technical challenges?
- Describe a successful cross-functional collaboration you were part of.
- How do you prioritize user experience in the design process?
- Describe a situation where you had to advocate for the user’s needs against business pressures.
- What techniques do you use to stay ahead of industry trends?
- How do you foster a culture of continuous improvement within your team?
- How do you think Product Managers interact with engineers?
- What are the key technical challenges in developing a new product?
- How do you align engineering goals with market demands?
Analytical Questions
- Estimate the current online population in Southeast Asia.
- How many doors might there be in Washington D.C.?
- What’s the annual sales figure for Airpods in the USA?
- Approximate the yearly expenditure on gas in Europe.
- What approach would you take to estimate the number of houses in North Carolina?
- Faced with declining metrics, what steps would you take to identify and address the root cause?
- How would you estimate the market size for a new tech product in an emerging market?
- Calculate the potential impact of a 10% price increase on a popular software product.
- How would you approach estimating the user base for a niche mobile app?
- Devise a method to track the effectiveness of a recent marketing campaign.
- Propose a strategy for evaluating customer satisfaction in a service industry.
- How would you determine the optimal inventory level for a seasonal product?
Personal Favorites
Most interviewers will have their own few personal favorites that are non-standard. Here are a few from Lenny’s Podcast for flavor:
- To what do you attribute your success?
- What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
- Describe to me a time when you are involved in a controversial product decision.
- Tell me what work you are most proud of.
- Tell me about how you navigated an ambiguous situation.
- What unfair secrets have you heard to improve the velocity of your product team?
- What would your siblings say about you?
- Tell me about a time something went wrong.
- Tell me something you did that was a good decision and why it didn’t work.
- Tell me something you have learned about yourself that has revealed a limitation about how you work.
- Do you consider yourself lucky?
- Tell me about a time that you delivered something that was impactful.
Between these 72 questions and the top 12 we are about to break down, you can focus most of your practice here and then feel prepared for your interviews.
It’s not all about preparing for every question and giving a rehearsed framework. It’s about being ready to answer any question by having practiced.
3. The most common technical interview questions
There are 7 categories of technical PM interview questions.
These are the most common questions in each:
- Tell me about a time you worked with an engineer on a roadmap.
- How do you work with engineers effectively?
- What are the main mistakes PMs make when working with engineering?
- How do you ensure that the technical team is aligned with the product vision?
- How do you earn credibility with eng?
- How would you handle negative user feedback about YouTube comments, and how might you address it with the engineering team?
- What is the importance of engineers and technical teams as stakeholders?
- How do you bring “the user” in to the technical team?
- Explain to me the architecture of a past technical product your team built
- Share a technically complex problem your team had to solve. What were some of the solutions the team came up with? What were the components that took the most time?
- What are the top 3 technology trends that will change the landscape in the next decade?
- Tell me about a time you handled a difficult technical stakeholder.
- What are the key conflicts between the development and business teams?
- Have you designed a technical solution that then became a commercial app?
- Talk about a technical blocker and what you
cars. What could the issue be?
- Our app is experiencing a forever spinning circle. How can we solve it?
- Your product is a video streaming service, and you want to save on bandwidth costs. How?
- You have a successful website. Now you want to build a mobile version. How would you?
- How would you decrease the amount of storage needed for messages in Gmail?
- Design an algorithm for for a self-driving car.
- How would you diagnose a connection issue with Instagram?
- How would you create a high-speed network to communicate with team members on Mars?
- How much storage would offline maps take?
- You open Uber and you don’t see any available
- What happens when you type Google.com into the web browser?
- What are the different types of load balancing algorithms?
- How would you explain cloud computing to your grandfather?
- How would you describe an API to a non-technical person?
- Explain to my grandfather how the Internet works.
- How does Google Maps compute ETA?
- Why is Gmail search slower than Google search?
- How do you improve response time and latency for a website?
- How would you explain neural networks to a non-technical audience?
- What’s the best way to connect SQL databases and why?
- How are passwords securely passed from servers to clients?
- What are the tradeoffs of agile development?
- Why should you use HTTPS over HTTP?
- What is multi-threading?
- How would you choose a programming language to build your product?
- What are the different kinds of sorting algorithms?
- What happens when a file is deleted?
- What is a container?
without complete data.
- Describe a recent workplace conflict and how you resolved it.
- What’s your ultimate career aspiration?
- How do you approach giving feedback? Can you share an example?
- Describe a significant challenge you faced and overcame.
- What’s your strategy for engaging with customers and users?
- Can you give an example of using data to drive a key decision?
- How do you handle the pressure of tight deadlines?
- Share an experience of adapting quickly in response to changing work priorities.
- How do you manage work-life balance while meeting high performance standards?
- Describe a time when you had to lead a team through a difficult situation.
- How do you handle receiving critical feedback?
- Share an experience where you had to make a tough decision
- Write a program that traverses a linked list.
- Write code to find even number of occurrences from a given list of integers.
- Given an integer array nums, return all the triplets [nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]] such that i != j, i != k, and j != k, and nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] == 0.
- Write a function that returns how many digits are in a number.
- How would you write a method to randomly shuffle an array of numbers?
- What’s the big O time of Linear Sort?
- What is the computational complexity of hash tables?
- Write a program to find common items between two linked lists.
- Given reverse polish notation, return the integer value of the expression aka “5,3,+,2,/” would be 5 + 3 = 8 and then 8 / 2 = 4.
- Write a program to find if an integer is a palindrome
- Write a program to reverse a string using no built-in functions
- Parse all lines in a CSV file with a given string
- Write a program to identify all the equal elements between two arrays
- How does our product work?
- How would you explain Twitter to an elderly person?
- Walk me through the pain points of a developer using our API.
- Our engineering teams are pretty used to employing X & Y methodologies. • What is your opinion of them? Have you used them in the past?
- Are you familiar with X system that we use here? Can you clarify how you have used them in the past?
- Before, we used to rely on X company to provide Y service, but we are currently bringing it in-house. Would you be comfortable with this type of project?
- How do you think the iPhone is machined?
- If you had to float an iPhone in mid-air, how would you do it?
- How would you implement the sync feature of Google Drive app or Google Docs? How would you design the DB for G-drive?
4. Product Leadership Interviews
Category 1 – Behavioral
~10% of questions: These are the basic behavioral questions you could see in any interview for any role, but they’re quite common.
- Tell me about yourself.
- Teach me something you don’t think I know
- What are your superpowers? And their shadows?
- Fast forward three years, what is different about you then?
- When I go ask people you’ve worked with about you, what will I hear?
- During your career, what has been your greatest achievement and why?
- Among the people you’ve worked with, who do you admire most and why?
- At this stage in your career, what have you learned about yourself? How are you different from other people?
- For the last few companies you’ve been at, take me through: (i) When you left, why did you leave? (ii) When you joined the next one, why did you choose it?
- Who is the person whom you’ve had the most difficulty working with? Why was it difficult, and how did you work through it? What would they say about you today?
Category 2 – Leadership
~13% of questions: These are the basic leadership-style questions that you might see for any managerial or leadership role. You’ll definitely get some.
- What’s your managerial style?
- When’s the last time you fired someone?
- Who’s the best hire you’ve ever made and why?
- How do you help your team to learn and develop?
- How do you earn trust and respect from your team?
- How do you say no to the CEO? When’s the last time you did?
- How do you approach diversity and inclusion within your team?
- How have you dealt with negative or static mindsets within your teams?
- Give an example of a time when you had to deliver bad news to your team.
- What’s the most negative feedback you’ve received from someone on your team?
- Tell me about a time when you coached or mentored someone in your team. What was the effect on their career?
- What’s one part of your previous company’s culture that you hope to bring to your next one? What one part do you hope to not find?
- Tell me about a time when your team didn’t gel. What was the issue, and how did you deal with it? Has this happened on other teams you’ve been on?
Category 3 – Product Basics
~10% of questions: These are the questions you might get in any PM interview, focused on the basic stories from your product past.
- Tell me about a time when you identified a hidden or unaddressed user need. How did you discover it and how did it influence your product strategy?
- Can you discuss a product decision you made that went against prevailing trends or industry wisdom? What was the rationale and the result?
- What’s the most important or impactful product you shipped? What made it so important or impactful?
- Take me through your biggest product flop. What happened and what did you do about it?
- How do you think PMs should interact with engineers and designers? What’s the role of a PM?
- How do you balance insights that come from data against those that come from intuition?
- Describe a time when you had to pivot your product strategy based on market changes.
- What’s your favorite product and why? How would you improve it?
- What launch in the last year are you most proud of and why?
- Give me an example of a time your product failed and why.
Category 4 – Product-Specific
~10% of questions: These are the questions specific to the product and company you applied to, and they are quite common.
- Given our current product, if you had unlimited resources but also a tight deadline to achieve a significant impact, what bold steps would you take?
- Analyze a major failure or setback our product had in the past. With hindsight, how would you have approached it differently?
- Based on what you know now, what would be your strategy for our product?
- How much have you used our product? What research have you done on it?
- How would you assess the current market positioning of our product?
- What user personas do you think we are not fully targeting enough?
- What key features do you think are missing from our product?
- How would you force-rank our customer segments?
- What should we do with AI in our product?
- How big should our product team be?
Category 5 – Product Leadership
~18% of questions: These are by far the most common questions, and they focus on your craft of product leadership.
- Discuss a time when you had to make a tough prioritization call that impacted your product roadmap significantly. What was at stake and how did you decide?
- Share an experience where you had to champion a product vision that was not immediately embraced by your team or stakeholders. How did you gain buy-in?
- Share an experience where you turned around a disengaged or underperforming product team. What specific actions did you take and what was the result?
- Describe a scenario where you had to balance strong leadership with team empowerment, especially in a high-stakes product decision.
- Based on your experience, where do you think product management is optimally situated in the organization? Why?
- How do you stay informed and connected on market trends, new platforms, the evolution of product teams, etc.?
- How do you handle budgeting and resource allocation for product development?
- What’s the biggest one-way-door product decision you’ve ever had to make?
- Walk me through the most complex design issue you faced in your last job.
- What metric goals did you have in your last role, and did you meet them?
- How do you build and maintain a high-performance product team?
- What types of product rituals do you establish on your teams?
- Can you teach someone to be a good product manager? How?
- How do you teach someone to say “no” effectively?
- Describe an experience handling a product crisis.
- What’s your point of view on Product Ops?
- How do you structure your product teams?
- How do you decide what to work on?
Category 6 – Non-Product Collaboration and Impact
~7% of questions: These test your ability to impact functions outside of product management, and extend into the other parts of the company.
- How have you leveraged insights from customer support or user feedback loops to redefine product strategy? Provide a specific example.
- How do you enhance the relationship between go-to-market, design, and engineering?
- What’s been the worst relationship with engineering you’ve had in your career?
- What’s your approach to handling conflicts between product and sales teams?
- Describe a time when you had to negotiate resources from other departments.
- How have you worked with Sales/ Marketing/ Customer Support in the past?
- How did you work with the Senior Leadership Team in your last role?
Category 7 – Product Design
~8% of questions: These are the classical product design questions from PM interviews and still come up in leadership searches, believe it or not.
- What innovative design elements would you add to a ride-sharing app?
- How would you approach designing an educational app for children?
- How would you improve product X (eg, Google Maps)?
- Design product X for Y (eg, fitness app for kids)
- What is a product you think is poorly designed?
- Why did product X fail? (eg, Google Domains)
- Redesign the city public park experience.
- What makes a product well designed?
Category 8 – Product Strategy
~14% of questions: These are the classical hypotheticals from PM interviews, but in a product leadership context.
- Should X buy Y?
- Why did Microsoft buy Activision?
- Should X partner with Y?
- Why did Netflix partner with the WWE?
- Should X go into Z market?
- Should Amazon compete with ChatGPT?
- What should X build in the next 5 years?
- You’re the CEO of X. What do you build next?
- You’re the CEO of our biggest competitor. What do you do?
- How would you assess and act upon potential international expansion for a product?
- Describe a strategic pivot you had to execute. What drove this change, and how did it align with the overall business strategy?
- Can you talk about a time when you had to make a long-term strategic sacrifice for a short-term gain, or vice versa? What was the situation and outcome?
- How do you help your organization get past the fear of talking to customers? What systems and tools do you think need to be in place to be customer-centric?
- Tell me about a time where you’ve had to propose a radical shift in the product strategy (or create one from scratch.) What did you draw on to develop it? Who did you partner with to get buy-in? What ultimately happened with it?
Category 9 – Craft & Execution
~8% of questions: These are the bread & butter questions to understand whether you could really help PMs on your team above and beyond their current knowledge.
- Share a time when you had to rapidly iterate on a product feature due to initial poor performance. How did you manage the process and measure success?
- Discuss a complex technical challenge you faced during product execution. How did you navigate it, and what was the impact on the final product?
- Pick a project you’re proud of that took 3-9 months. Walk me through it from beginning to end. I’ll ask questions along the way.
- How would you address a significant drop in user engagement for a key feature?
- Describe your process for prioritizing bug fixes and feature requests.
- How would you measure success for Facebook Events?
- What’s the worst tech debt you’ve had to deal with?
- How do you decide when to build vs buy?
Category 10 – Estimation
~2% of questions: These bamboozlers from the 90s still show up in leadership interviews, when folks want to have fun.
- Estimate the market size for smart home devices in North America.
- How much data is generated online every minute?
4. Product Strategy Questions
There are 7 major categories of questions you are likely to encounter. These are the most commonly asked questions in each:
Tech Company Strategy
- Imagine you’re a PM for Google. How would you sunset Gmail?
- What should Google build in the next 5 years?
- How would you take 5% of Google’s market share as a Bing PM?
- You’re the CEO of Shopify. What should we focus on next?
- Imagine leading Netflix: What’s your 10-year vision?
- How would you triple Spotify’s revenue in the next 3 years?
- How would you compare Microsoft Office with Google Docs?
- Who are TikTok’s competitors?
- Envision a strategy to expand Disney into new entertainment realms.
- How would you transform the fitness industry in the digital age?
- As Facebook’s CEO, what are your top three initiatives?
- As Apple’s CEO, which product would you remove from their lineup?
- Google Photos: What’s your next big strategic move?
- Strategies to increase Airbnb bookings: What are they?
- Facebook Messaging: How would you redefine its strategy?
- How would you grow Airbnb experiences?
- Create a roadmap for YouTube’s next five years.
- How would you position Oculus to become mainstream in the next 3 years?
- What would be your approach to increase X’s user engagement and revenue?
- How would you acquire more users for Uber?
- What’s the biggest threat to YouTube?
- Imagine boosting Tesla’s sales: How would you do it?
- How would you assess the iPad Pro’s success?
- What is Apple up to next?
- How would you 10x Google Cloud IoT?
- Why is Android strategic for Google?
- Should Netflix get into the short-form video industry?
- What is the biggest threat to YouTube?
- How do you balance user feedback with product vision in your strategy?
- How would you increase revenue at Target?
- How would you improve Amazon prime revenue by 20%?
- Why did Strava launch indoor workout tracking?
- If you had unlimited resources at Google, what would you build and why?
- How would you increase Gmail ads revenue by 50%?
Mergers & Acquisitions
- Why do you think Microsoft acquired LinkedIn?
- Should Google buy Ebay?
- Pretend you’re at Google Corp Dev: Would you acquire iRobot?
- Should LinkedIn acquire Discord?
- Was Figma a good acquisition for Adobe?
- How would you evaluate a potential acquisition of a gaming company by Amazon?
- Assess the strategic fit of Spotify acquiring a podcast network.
- What are the risks and benefits of Tesla acquiring a battery technology startup?
- Evaluate the impact of Apple acquiring a health tech company.
- How should Google assess the acquisition of a cybersecurity firm?
- What synergies would be created by Facebook acquiring a virtual reality content creator?
- Is acquiring a fintech company a good move for PayPal? Why or why not?
- How would an acquisition of a cloud computing company benefit Oracle?
- Analyze the strategic rationale behind Salesforce acquiring a data analytics firm.
- What should Meta (Facebook)’s next acquisition be?
Real-World Strategy
- Imagine Google built a bridge from Africa to the United States. What should they do next?
- How would you determine if a specific block in your neighborhood is suitable for a new grocery store?
- Your strategy to significantly increase restaurant profits?
- What’s your blueprint for revolutionizing the fast-food industry?
- How would you reinvent the car wash industry?
- Tackling SF’s homelessness: What’s your innovative solution?
- Develop a strategy to boost tourism in a small, historic city.
- How would you revitalize a declining retail shopping district?
- Strategies to improve public transportation in a major city.
- How would you promote renewable energy adoption in rural areas?
- Creating a waste management plan for a growing urban area.
- Strategies for improving air quality in industrial regions.
- Developing a sustainable water usage plan for an arid region.
- How would you modernize the agriculture sector in a developing country?
Product Improvement
- How would you make TikTok’s recommendation algorithm better?
- How would you improve Microsoft powerpoint?
- You are a PM at Amazon and you want to increase NPS. What would you do?
- What feature in Apple iTunes would you want to see added?
- How would you increase the number of users on YouTube?
- Users are creating more Instagram Stories. However, engagement is down and users are getting fewer shares, likes, and comments per post. What would you do?
- As a PM of YouTube, how do you position YouTube against Instagram and Snapchat?
- Design a product roadmap for Flipkart’s Seller Hub mobile app.
- What’s more important, fixing the customer’s problem or creating a good customer experience?
- How would you increase the number of customers who complete their first trade after installing a brokerage app?
- How would you decide between showing more ads on the Meta (Facebook) Newsfeed vs showing a “People you may know” recommendation widget?
- You’re the PM for newsfeed and you have to decide whether to show more videos or more events. What do you do?
- The earphone category at Flipkart is seeing a lot of returns and making this category non-profitable. What will you do as a category manager?
- You are the PM for Meta (Facebook) Live. What are your priorities?
- If you were a PM at Google Cloud, what’s the one product you would prioritize building?
- Improving WhatsApp: What steps would you take?
- How would you grow the number of paid users for YouTube music?
- How would you enhance Google Maps’ functionality and appeal?
- Should Instagram launch additional reactions?
- Propose improvements to Instagram’s user interface for better engagement.
- What features would you add to LinkedIn to increase its value for job seekers?
- How could Reddit’s user experience be enhanced for new users?
- Design a feature to increase user security on PayPal.
- Improvements for Zoom to cater to remote education needs.
- How would you enhance Slack’s features for large enterprises?
- Ideas to improve user privacy on social media platforms.
- Enhancing the shopping experience on Amazon for visually impaired users.
- How would you redesign the Uber app for better accessibility?
- Should Tiktok build a video scrubber to allow users to skip certain time stamps?
- Imagine you’re a PM in charge of Google Podcasts. What would you build?
- What changes would you make to the Apple App Store?
- What should DoorDash build next?
- What would you do if you had to create a new Siri?
Market Entry
- Should Google get into the ticketing market? If so, what would you build?
- How should Google pivot to find its next big investment?
- Is it time for Apple to develop its own search engine?
- Let’s say Amazon is eyeing a new market: Which one should it be?
- Should Google enter into the online furniture-selling market?
- You’re the CEO of a health tech startup that has technology to detect a deadly disease. How would you approach this?
- Should Capital One continue to invest in developing markets?
- Should Amazon enter the food delivery business?
- Should Google go into the ridesharing market?
- Evaluate the upsides and downsides of building a super app — an app having all major B2C features including entertainment, e-commerce, food ordering, hotel booking, cab booking, chat, holiday planning, gaming, med ordering, service booking, etc.
- If Spotify wanted to break into video streaming, how should it approach?
- What would be a game-changing market for Microsoft to enter next?
- Should Google create a new GCP region in Portugal?
- Envision Airbnb’s next big move in the travel industry.
- Imagine you’re a PM at a startup that works with big data from the NHL — what’s the first product you would ship?
- How would you bootstrap a product that helps people find apartments?
- If you were a VC, would you be more bullish on AR or VR?
- Facebook is expanding into travel to compete with AirBnB — should they build a standalone app or integrate new travel features in the core Facebook experience?
- If you were the CEO of LEGO, what new product line would you come up with to increase revenue?
- How should Google enter the streaming space?
- How would you spin up an Uber competitor?
- What sets of capabilities do you put in your strategy and design for a consumer restaurant / search app?
- There is an emerging Market Google is entering. Should it enter with YouTube or Maps?
- Should Samsung enter the gaming console market?
- Should Google get into modular phones?
- Should Microsoft re-enter the smartphone market?
New Tech x Business
- Let’s say you have Google’s self-driving cars: What businesses could you start?
- Imagine internet speed was 100x faster: What ventures would you launch?
- Your EM suggested a tool to generate creator ideas with scripts. How would you evaluate this as a YouTube PM?
- Pretend you’ve got time travel tech: How do you turn it into profit?
- If virtual reality became mainstream, what business opportunities emerge?
- How would you leverage AI in healthcare for new business ideas?
- Imagine utilizing blockchain for more than cryptocurrencies: What business could you create?
- How could advanced robotics transform traditional manufacturing businesses?
- Design an app for a grocery store
- How would you sell live plants at Amazon?
- What business would you build on top of self-driving cars?
- How would you revolutionize the car wash industry?
- What coins would you next add to Coinbase?
- 8 years ago, should Uber have gotten into E-Scooters at the airport?
Product Monetization
- How would you monetize Facebook Messenger?
- Imagine you’re a PM for Uber. There’s a growing issue of drivers encouraging riders to pay cash instead of using the Uber mobile app. How would you address this issue?
- How can TikTok double its revenue next year? What percentage of the new revenue should be derived from existing advertisers versus new advertisers?
- Should Microsoft change its pricing models?
- Should HBO Max offer a freemium tier?
- Should Google monetize Google Scholar?
- You are the PM for a B2C product that has an advertisement-based monetization model with significant and steady daily revenues. One day, there are no ads served and the revenues plummet to zero. What would be your strategy, as a Product Manager, to deal with this crisis?
- Google Keep is a free product to save, share notes etc. How would you make it a subscription product & monetize it?
- How could Spotify monetize its podcast platform more effectively?
- What monetization strategies should Twitter adopt for its new features?
- How could Instagram effectively monetize IGTV?
- Should LinkedIn introduce a premium feature for job seekers?
- How would you monetize Facebook dating?
- What monetization model would work best for a new educational app?
- How would you develop a revenue stream for a free mobile game without ads?
- Monetization strategy for an online news portal without using a paywall.
- How could a free language learning app like Duolingo increase its revenue?
- Develop a monetization plan for a cloud storage service.
- What are effective ways to monetize a virtual event platform?
- You are a PM at Uber. Devise strategies to improve revenue.